Wednesday, January 24, 2018

assignment #3 Movie Poster (Black and White to color)

The next assignment will be to make a movie poster from one of the classic horror/monster films below. These films are all black and white and your poster needs to be in color.  Your poster will need to have a unique title treatment and that you will create from scratch (don't just use your favorite font and drop it in). Do your own style and not the original poster (if there is one). You can view clips or most of these films on youtube. The size is 27x 41 (vertical) @72 dpi.  I would suggest picking colors from a fairly simple palette or other piece of art. This assignment will be due on Feb 7th.

Get some popcorn and research these movies!

King Kong 1933

Psycho  1960

Godzilla 1954

The Creature from the Black Lagoon 1954

Nosferatu 1922

Night of the Living Dead 1968

Village of the damned 1960

Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956

The Mad Doctor 1933 (Disney film but only if you are truly scared of the others)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

assignment 2 animal rock concert

Attached are the guidelines  for this assignment. You don't need to paint this image @ 600 dpi (I would suggest 150 dpi) and the size is 16.5 x 11.5 horizontal.

The main focus of this assignment is to give animals human expressions and emotions. You should put at a minimum 3 animals in the band. You can add a lot of humanity to animals by adding eyebrows and manipulating the mouth and hands. The Liquify tool can help a lot when using photos of animals to make good characters. This assignment is due Monday Jan. 29

Monday, January 8, 2018

assignment #1

This will be a basic get your feet wet assignment. From the website pick an archived topic from Dec 2017 and illustrate it. The format will be 8h x 11w @ 150 dpi. This assignment will be due in one week from today (Jan 15).

Digital Painting 2 Spring 2018 Syllabus

Digital Painting 2 Spring 2018 Syllabus

1. 12-14 paintings will be our goal for the semester (roughly one a week).
    a. We will work primarily in Photoshop. Feel free to to use tablets or laptops from home.
2. Paintings due on Monday BEFORE class.
3. Send finished assignments (Jpegs @72 dpi) to my personal email
4. Critiques will be on Mondays. You will be asked to help critique so be ready.
5. Grading will be based on attendance, participation in class and effort toward the assignments.
  a. 4 absences will be allowed however 5 will will earn an F.
  b. Every 2 late assignments will cost 1/3 letter grade (A to A-)  Every missing assignment will cost 6.        1/3 letter grade.
6. Mondays will be critiques and demos, Wednesdays will be one on one help with the current        